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Safety & Security


The law enforcement entity for CSP is the Bexar County Sheriff’s Department and the emergency number is 911
The non-emergency number for Bexar County Sheriff’s Department is 210-335-6000 and the website is




​One of best ways to prevent local crime is to just be aware.  Get to know your neighbors.  Don't be afraid to report suspicious activity.  Keep your garage door closed. Do not keep your trash cans out on the street for days.  If you are going away, ask a neighbor to pick up your paper, take in you trash cans, etc.  To check on local unlawful activity, you can check this website:




Clear Springs Park is served by the Bexar Bulverde Volunteer Fire Department and they have several locations.  The nearest location is:
23103 Bulverde Road, San Antonio TX  78261                      
Phone:  210-272-0353

The Bexar-Bulverde Volunteer Fire Department is a non-profit organization that proudly provides fire protection, emergency medical first-responder and rescue services to our area.  You may contact them at (830) 980-4733 if you wish to donate financially to them or donate your time.



Home alarm systems may be registered with the Bexar County Alarm Unit at 210-335-5266 or see the website
to download the application.  


If you have any questions regarding the Bexar County Alarm Permit Application, please contact the Bexar County Alarm Unit.



It is advised that all homeowners with property gates register their entrance code with the County to aid emergency responders to calls such as fire, security or medical.

There are a couple of options that have been explored by CSP residents that we can pass on to you, however, you are advised to contact the Bexar-Bulverde Volunteer Fire Department (830) 980-4733 or 210-272-0353 for their opinion and updates to the policies regarding gated properties, and to clarify if you have circumstances that are unique to your design and location – first option, if you actively have a security alarm company that monitors your home, you should give them your gate code so they can give the code to law enforcement and the fire department when they are in route. It appears that the radio frequency for emergency responders can no longer be monitored by the public and your code will not be broadcasted to others not directly related to official business. 

The second option, the Bexar-Bulverde Volunteer Fire Department keeps records of codes for gated communities and private properties.  Call either of the numbers provided above or below, they will ask for your name, address, the code and an emergency phone number where they can reach you in the event of an emergency at your home.  The sheriff’s department does not keep a record of entrance codes, but instead will call the Bexar-Bulverde VFD for access information. 


A third option and more expensive is to install a Nox Box, review this website for information as you begin exploring this option if it is feasible for you. Basically it is a designated box that contains the information needed for emergency responders to open your gate. All else fails, when life, limb, and property are in danger, law enforcement, and fire response will find a way to enter your property that might be rather expensive so it is advisable consider some system to limit costly repairs.


At this time there is no formal Neighborhood Watch, however, residents actively look out for suspicious activity and report this to the sheriff’s department and alert other residents and property owners. It is important to have your email address and cell phone number registered with the board and recorded in the CSP database as alerts are sent out for various important reasons. 
There is a  registered approved CSP sticker for vehicles belonging to cars residents.  If you need a new sticker or replacement, contact anyone on the Good Neighbor Committee.  They will be more than happy to provide them for your vehicles.



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