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Water Sprinkler

Septic Systems

Septic Systems

The two types of septic systems in Clear Springs Park are Standard and Aerobic.

Standard septic systems are more likely to be found on properties where the home was constructed prior to 1997.  During the earlier years of CSP this was the typical system installed.   A standard septic system is the more cost efficient method of the two available to treat residential wastewater. This type of system has two components: a septic tank and a soil absorption system. The septic tank collects and provides primary treatment of wastewater by separating the solids from the wastewater. Depending on the size of the family and the size of the tank, this type system requires professional cleaning every two or three years.

The Aerobic treatment process, on the other hand, includes four main components that work together to purify wastewater: a pretreatment tank, an aeration chamber, a settling chamber and a land application system. Aerobic treatment units usually disperse wastewater via spray distribution systems and include a disinfection component for removing disease-causing microorganisms, a pump tank for dosing water, and spray heads for spreading the water over the ground.  For aerobic systems there is an ongoing $175-$200 annual maintenance expense and they have to be maintained by a licensed individual.  Bexar County requires that all aerobic septic systems be inspected three times a year by a licensed wastewater treatment company. Any homeowner who doesn't have the required inspections and maintenance performed is cited.

     Aerobic Systems also have an additional installation expense due to the cost of additional plumbing, hardware, controls and wiring. You have to supply electricity to run the submersible pump and the aerator on an aerobic system. You also have to have a control panel.  All of that makes an aerobic system more expensive to install. And there are just a lot more parts to an aerobic system that are eventually going to fail and have to be replaced. That, along with the maintenance contract, makes them more expensive to own.

 In 1997 the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) revised its onsite sewage facility rules.  The agency went from determining a site's suitability by a percolation test, which determines how quickly the ground absorbs water, to a soil classification site evaluation. The new process requires digging "profile holes" and characterizing the soil.  If you are purchasing an existing home you should inquire about the type of system that is installed.  More than likely, homes built in Clear Springs Park prior to 1997 have the Standard Trench System style septic unless the original systems have been replaced.  Home sites that started in 1998 or after more than likely have the Aerobic System style of septic. 

     Bexar County follows the state law that septic tanks should be inspected and re-certified at least every 5 years.  If you have an Aerobic system, Bexar County requires that it is inspected 3 times a year by a licensed company.  In most cases, these companies offer a maintenance contract; they will come out on a scheduled basis and will file the appropriate paper work for you with the county.  You may want to shop around and check on the services provided.

To Recertify your Septic System:  First, depending on the type of system you have and the time since it was last pumped, the septic tank may need to be pumped.  For Standard Trench System Septics, there are several local companies that do this and the price ranges from $150 - $600 so it will pay to shop around.  Once you have scheduled the pumping company to come out, you will need to call the Bexar County Public Works Department at 210-335-6700 and schedule an inspector to come out.  The inspector will need the receipt that shows you just had the septic pumped; he will walk the lateral field and do a physical inspection.  The charge for the inspection is $30.00   It is a state law that this be done at least every 5 years.  


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